Location: Palm Beach County, Florida, United States

Recently have been told I look like Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island. I hadn't heard that in years, but that is a good place to start as to what I look like, although she had a better bod. I have three boys and have been married for 13 years. Born of a Navy family, in Hawaii, one Mom, one Dad, one sister and one brother. The eldest of three children. BS in Applied Mathematics. Consider Pensacola my home town although I moved every 2-3 years of my life growing up. Currently work in the aerospace industry in an engineering position while being a Mom. Of Celtic heritage and very proud of it.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Funny Linky Stuff

There are a lot of funny people in the blogosphere. Actually, just about everyone gets me laughing at times. There are a couple though, sometimes I just shake my head and say to myself, "Where in the hell do they come up with this stuff?" One of them this week has been Bill over at Bloviating Inanities. There are a couple posts... the first is his Sitzpinkler post. (Certain type of men who do certain things are Sitzpinklers... wimp.) Just go and click on "And Hilter wept". Funny stuff. Scary thing is that this article is true.

For some reason, his Open Letter to My Lovely Wife had me cracking up. This letter as to why they should get an iguana. The comments are a riot too. I love it when he asks for a cobra instead.

Then over at Blog Sistah Sally's of Whimsy Capricious, we have a couple posts on children knowing a bit TOO much about their parent's extracurricular activities... one Post with regard to the Easter Bunny and the other to Handcuffs! This of course reminds me of the time a very good male friend of mine, 1 of 5 boys in his family, informed me that if I owned a vibrator I best get rid of it because my boys WILL find it if I do. Can you imagine how much trouble Harvey would be in if he had kids?


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