Location: Palm Beach County, Florida, United States

Recently have been told I look like Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island. I hadn't heard that in years, but that is a good place to start as to what I look like, although she had a better bod. I have three boys and have been married for 13 years. Born of a Navy family, in Hawaii, one Mom, one Dad, one sister and one brother. The eldest of three children. BS in Applied Mathematics. Consider Pensacola my home town although I moved every 2-3 years of my life growing up. Currently work in the aerospace industry in an engineering position while being a Mom. Of Celtic heritage and very proud of it.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Rumors of my Demise have been Greatly Exaggerated

I'm infinitely better than I was on Saturday and early Sunday. I ONLY had a cold. No biggy. It just wiped me out for 24 hours, but now I'm at full throttle once again, with the remnants being nothing more than mild congestion and an occasional deep throaty cough.

So I'm running through the house this evening, trying to get everything ready for one kid's soccer practice, while putting on my gi, and I'm coughing. Behind me I hear this 5 year old's voice saying, "Mom? Is your sickness going to make you die?"


I said, "No little buddy, I only have a cold" and I kept doing what I was doing.

He replied, "Well Mrs. H died from her sickness."

I'm now completely still looking at my little blonde haired blue eyed munchkin man and I said, "No son, she had cancer. I have a cold. I will be fine" and he hippety skipped away.

Good Lord. Everytime I get sick is some kid going to think I'm about to die? Blech.


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