Location: Palm Beach County, Florida, United States

Recently have been told I look like Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island. I hadn't heard that in years, but that is a good place to start as to what I look like, although she had a better bod. I have three boys and have been married for 13 years. Born of a Navy family, in Hawaii, one Mom, one Dad, one sister and one brother. The eldest of three children. BS in Applied Mathematics. Consider Pensacola my home town although I moved every 2-3 years of my life growing up. Currently work in the aerospace industry in an engineering position while being a Mom. Of Celtic heritage and very proud of it.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Update on What We're Seeing and Hearing

Blogsister, Michele of Letters from NYC, Posted about all that you can do down here to help and was citing how the blogger community is helping. It reminded me that I have not posted recently on the outpouring of help that is occuring.

I walked into Publix yesteday and they are taking monetary donations and they have donated 20 full trailers of food. The Treasure Coast Foodbank was out taking donations on Thursday. The local radio stations are announcing anytime there is something being done... collections, volunteers, all of it. Every where you turn, there is coverage and there are ways to assist.

Progress is being made. I was reading where it normally takes a full day to get up 3 to 4 power poles, in some places 600 power poles fell off one feeder. (Excuse the terminology for those who know power.) So these linemen who have come from all over to help, are busting hump to rebuild an infrastructure that took 20-30 years to build... all within a few weeks. There aren't hotels for these workers for many many reasons. Linemen are sleeping in their trucks or driving 1 1/2 hours, one way, to get to where they need to be, after having slept in a facility.

Big articles in our paper have been about trailer parks , citing those that were leveled were the old ones that the new ones, with different building codes, far stricter, faired far better.

Mostly, though, I still think about these folks and the heat. Air Conditioning is what brought great growth in this State. Without it, it is miserable. I walked outside Friday and there was not a cloud in the sky. At 9AM, the heat made my skin instantly warm and within 2 minutes I could feel the tingley burn.

They're getting there... its just a long haul.


Blogger Tammi said...

Thanks for the Update Bou. I linked back to it as well as what Florida Cracker has up.

Ya know, it's amazing. I've only had 1 google search in the last 4 days looking for any information. Ah well, it's just the way it runs. Now all that's left is the work, we won't see so much attention on Charley. Hardly a mention at all in the news.

12:08 PM  

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