Location: Palm Beach County, Florida, United States

Recently have been told I look like Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island. I hadn't heard that in years, but that is a good place to start as to what I look like, although she had a better bod. I have three boys and have been married for 13 years. Born of a Navy family, in Hawaii, one Mom, one Dad, one sister and one brother. The eldest of three children. BS in Applied Mathematics. Consider Pensacola my home town although I moved every 2-3 years of my life growing up. Currently work in the aerospace industry in an engineering position while being a Mom. Of Celtic heritage and very proud of it.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Still up but waiting...

Evidently we still have power. Others we know have already lost theirs. I'll keep blogging while I can. I can hear the gusts really picking up. Daggum shutters... can't see what's going on.

So what am I doing besides blogging and watching the weather on the internet? Eating Godiva Belgian Dark Chocolate Ice cream. Can't let this stuff go to waste! It's all about priorities. Got the kiddies fed, dishes washed, laundry done, cleared out all frozen desserts out of the freezer and I guess we're ready.

Looks like Ft. Pierce and Vero are going to get nailed again. I'm serious, it makes me sick for them. I love Vero. The nicest folks you'd ever want to meet. It was a beautiful little ocean town. Nobody deserves this stuff. Nobody.


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